Toschlog Genealogy

Important Note

In the interest of privacy, I've removed from the genealogy web page all information on living people. If you would like your information restored, please email me at

This family tree is based on the book The Descendants of the Toschlogs by Jane Anne Toschlog Thompson.

I've made a few additions and corrections, but the vast bulk of the information comes from Jane. I can hardly imagine how much work it must have been for her to compile all of this.

These web pages were made using a family tree computer program called Legacy. I entered all the info from Jane's book into Legacy, which then generated these pages.

There are currently over 1600 people in the list, starting with Bernard Bennet Toschlog and going for seven generations.

These pages are in what's called "pedigree" format, which is a little like a tree. Use the Names Index to find a person; each person's page shows his or her parents, grandparents, spouse(s), and children. You can then click on any of these people to move around the tree.

I'm always interested in expanding and improving the tree, so if you notice anything that's wrong or missing, please email me at


Matthew A. Toschlog

View the Tree

Preface to The Descendants of the Toschlogs

THE TOSCHLOG FAMILY HISTORY, compiled from April 1986 - Dec. 1990

  First of all, let me say that perfection is strived for, but
never attained in doing something like this. Please forgive
misspellings, typo's and omissions. I had this many spellings
to look under: Toschlog, Toschlag, Tushloge, Toshlog, Tuschlog,
Tosloch, Tuschloge, Toslag, Toschlague, and Tuschlogue.
I'm sure there are more out there,  I haven't found yet.
  Thanks to my Mom and Dad, Grandma Toschlog Schuette, Aunt Mary
Lou, Aunt Ethel, other Aunts and Uncles, Dorothy Smoker, Cousins,
by the dozens, who helped me with information by contributing
history, names, and dates. It took much time with letters,
libraray visits, including the Fort Wayne Library, telephone
calls, home visits and a lot of cemetary stone searches to
compile this. I feel like I know the Court House books by heart.
  My family has been very understanding through it all, I've
enjoyed it tremendously. I've met so many family members that
I didn't know existed.
  I hope, as you read this, you will appreciate what our
ancestors endured and gain in knowledge, "so...that's how they're
related!", I know I sure have learned a lot. This is written
so it can be contunued where I leave off.

                                   Jane Ann Toschlog Thompson
                                   December 1990
